Fascinating scenes and landscapes, captured by great photographers. All photos and pictures are displayed throughout the hotel: In the guest rooms and suites, the salons, the restaurants and in the lobby gallery.
Germán Hidalgo, the renowned scientific of the Universidad Católica, author and curator of various publications about Francisco Claudio Brunet De Baines (how the Chileans also like to name him). has recommended an amazing historical center piece to us:
T. R. Harvey’s painting «Santiago, Vista desde el Santa Lucía, c. 1860», Santiago, view from the Santa Lucia hill, from 1860.
It shows historic Santiago exactly during the time when Brunet-Debaines created the monuments that define the capital until today: The Teatro Municipal, the ex-Congreso Nacional, and the Palacio Arzobispal on Plaza de Armas among many many others.
The Museo Histórico Nacional, Santiago, has graciously allowed us to display a copy of this great panorama, which you can admire at the south wall of the Gran Café of the hotel.